Elder Abuse

Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is a growing concern, as it involves the mistreatment, neglect, or exploitation of older adults. Caregivers play a crucial role in identifying, preventing, and reporting instances of elder abuse. This course is designed to provide caregivers with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize the signs of elder abuse, understand their responsibilities in reporting and addressing the issue, and ensure the safety and well-being of the elderly individuals under their care.

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  • Lessons: 5
  • Number of tests: 2
  • Hours: 1.0 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 198
What you will learn
  • Identify the 5 types of elder abuse
  • Identify the warning signs of elder abuse
  • Describe the risk factors for elder abuse
  • Describe how to prevent elder abuse
  • Describe caregiver burnout and how to prevent it
  • List some national resources that you can use to help your client or their caregiver


    • What is Elder Abuse?What is Elder Abuse?
    • 16 mins
    • Signs of Elder AbuseSigns of Elder Abuse
    • 10 mins
    • Risks and Protective FactorsRisks and Protective Factors
    • 3 mins
    • Knowledge Review Knowledge Review
    • 4 mins
    • Caregiver BurnoutCaregiver Burnout
    • 3 mins
    • Elder Abuse ResourcesElder Abuse Resources
    • 5 mins
    • Exam- Elder Abuse Exam- Elder Abuse
    • 15 mins

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